Thursday, June 5, 2008

Latest News!

Boxes and donations are coming in; thank you so much! We will be posting a list of the kind people and clubs who have opened their hearts to us - we truly appreciate you. Tuesday night we are hosting a pizza party and will be having a 'gift' opening for the kids! Lots of pictures will be taken; watch for them!
The horses are hanging in there. Dixie 'surprised' us with a burst abcess under her chin last night - pretty gross, but seems not to be bothering her now it has burst; it certainly explains why she was uncomfortable eating! Hopefully now she will eat and start gaining back all that weight she has lost.
The first $1,000.00 vet bill came in, but fortunately we have raised that, thanks to many donations and one very generous one that was a 'pass forward' from a wonderful person who had received many donations after a barn fire and this was 'left over'. Now we know what to do should we be lucky enough to have more than we will be passed forward to others suffering these kind of stressful times.
As always, thank you for the support!


1 comment:

US Bocce guy said...

Good work, Bridget! These stories are perfect blog-stuff!

Jeff Kurtz
DC-Mountain Laurel Pony Club